
International Day of Happiness!

Updated August 1st 2023


Today is International Day of Happiness.

“The International Day of Happiness recognises the relevance of happiness and well-being as universal goals and aspirations in the lives of human beings around the world and the importance of their recognition in public policy objectives.” According to the United Nations website. 

Did you know that Increased happiness leads to 12% increased productivity?

Did you know that it is possible to raise your levels of happiness above your genetic setpoint?

Did you realise that your level of happiness also impacts on your health?


What is Happiness?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes happiness as “a state of well-being and contentment” and “a pleasurable or satisfying experience”.

How are you doing with your own Happiness?

Personally I struggle with this during the winter months! I force myself to SMILE as soon as I wake up. This gets the endorphins, serotonin and dopamine going! Even a fake smile is useful!


“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy”

-Thich Nhat Hanh


Ever noticed, how some people are able to remain happy even when faced with adverse circumstances? Whereas some people seem to always be unhappy even when things are going well!. So why are some people happier than others?

Lyubomirsky (2001) notes that happy people interpret events and situations in a way that strengthens, maintains or promotes their happiness. On the other hand, people who are unhappy, by nature interpret their experiences in a manner that reinforces their unhappiness and negative self-views.

Objective factors such as wealth and health etc. can have effects on people’s happiness levels.  At the same time, there are several psychological processes that control the impact certain events and life circumstances have on a person’s well-being (Lyubomirsky, 2001).

Mainly, people who are happier tend to have more success in work, relationships and health when compared to those who are less happy. What many people don’t realise (and per over 200 studies with students and Fortune 500 companies) is that happiness encourages success rather than the other way around.


How Happy is your workplace?

Have you ever considered, how much the happiness of you and your colleagues impacts on each of your individual success? Every considered how happiness impact on the success of your team and the organisation? Or are you, by chance, a person of the opinion that work and happiness are not related? Or perhaps you have the opinion that happiness is a luxury that only the wealthy or famous have time for?

A study entitled “Happiness and Productivity” (Oswald et al, 2015) provides evidence of a link between human happiness and human productivity. Increased happiness, according to this research, leads to 12% increased productivity. Lower happiness is systematically associated with lower productivity. This finding is consistent with the existence of a causal link continuously seen in Positive Psychology between human well-being and human performance.


According to Happiness Advantage (2010) author and Harvard Researcher Shawn Achor:

Optimistic Sales people outsell their pessimistic counterparts by 56%

Doctors put in a positive state, make an accurate diagnosis 19% faster

Students primed to feel happy before taking a math achievement test, outperform their peers

Research shows that being happy before and during work makes us more resourceful and effective. Ultimately feeling happy improves our problem-solving skills!

We know that happy people have certain ‘adaptive characteristics’ and tend to engage in certain behaviours that helps someone thrive and succeed in life. Because of that, here at Adaptas, as part of our Leadership Development Program, and Executive Coaching, we support you to cultivate and manage your own happiness and the happiness of your teams!


Check out our Leadership Module; The Adaptas Happy Leader

And here is one of my favourite TedTalks, Shawn Achor, talks about the Happines Advantage; which is worth watching over and over just for the unicorn story.

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