How To Thrive This Holiday Season

How To Thrive This Holiday Season

Updated July 27th 2023

It’s that time of year that often gets emotions whirling around in our systems for a vast number of reasons. Some revel in the excitement and buzz of the season, while others find the close proximity to family and friends challenging. Additionally, the holiday season can shed light on those who prefer a quieter existence, potentially evoking complex questions and feelings.

For some of you, it may well be just a well-deserved break at the end of the year, a time to relax and take stock. Whatever it is going on for you, we have a survival kit on hand to get you thriving no matter what.

It doesn’t have to be perfect!
The first step is to decide how you want to feel and the impact you would like to have on those around you. This step becomes easier because you will naturally be driven to be more people focused and less task-orientated. So if the decorations are not perfect or the food is overcooked, remember that the smile you bear and your ability to tap into the fun and love around you is what really matters. This will outshine any mishaps or even domestic disasters. Striving for perfection can drive us to overlook what really matters so don’t fret the small stuff!

Don’t take it personally
My favourite expression at the moment is ‘flow like water’. You see, water is pure and doesn’t stick to anything. When someone says something negative, and family really know how to get us where it hurts, shrug and let it flow off you. The other option you have of course is to take it personally, start judging yourself and others, most likely resulting in a wicked spiral of emotions and words. When we take ourselves too seriously, so do those around us! Be like Father Christmas and laugh it off; ‘Ho Ho Ho’.

Breathe and stay in the now
Many of us shallow breathe (inhale into our chest rather than into our diaphragm), which doesn’t serve getting enough oxygen around our bodies. What happens then is that our brain believes something is wrong and injects more of the fight or flight hormone (adrenaline) into our blood which heightens stress. The more stress the less success.

Become conscious of your breathing and breathe from your belly. This will ground you in the now which will enable things come to you, including the best solution for dealing with any situation.

Exercise and keep some sort of routine
Most of us are accustomed to routine so why completely change this over the holidays? Yes, we all want a break from routine and structure but at the same time it helps us feel good in and about ourselves. So if you usually take a morning run, take it, it will help release all those happy endorphins too!

Whether you are with the masses or having a quieter time this year, these tips are all relevant. We are the only thinkers in our mind, so create the Holiday you want and love yourself and others in the process.

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Holiday Season!