What Is Happening In Your Mind’s Eye?

What Is Happening In Your Mind’s Eye?

Updated July 26th 2023

You probably already know that our damaging or destructive habits (for example in how we treat our bodies, in how we communicate with others) are linked with deep fears, which developed in the early years of our lives.

A few examples:

1) If a child is made to feel they are not good enough, they often stop making any effort to please and then in adulthood this might show up as lacking in motivation. Alternatively, it may develop into a need to over-achieve in their career to the detriment of other areas in life.

2) If as a child, we have been told that life is difficult, then we start filtering for examples of this and as adults we expect life to be difficult and so everything becomes an overwhelming challenge.

3) Often people who have been emotionally abused as children, then over-eat to protect themselves as adults.

Powerful techniques are often required to break limiting beliefs & destructive habits, which most of us have about ourselves, but which express themselves in a whole range of ways.

Erika Brodnock, is here again to share how she conquered her challenge in forming new habits…

Erika: I was determined not to give up on my quest to see the pictures in my mind, in order to visualise the version of me I wanted to exist. I asked everyone I could what to do to see more clearly and refused to pretend I could see when I couldn’t (to the despair of many a trainer)!

Two things worked for me. Firstly, I was advised to use EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and ‘tap’ on the fact that I couldn’t see and all of the frustration that accompanied that. EFT is like acupuncture without needles and involves tapping on the same meridian points needles are inserted into for acupuncture. The results are similar to those of acupuncture too. Energy blockages clear and energy is once again able to flow, providing relief from aches, pains, long-term ailments, stress and much more.

The work I did with EFT was profound and lead to an understanding that as a child I had witnessed something dangerous, but I had not seen it. I then unconsciously blamed myself for not seeing and had carried this anger and fear in to adulthood . While I carried that anger with myself I shut down my capacity to see. My eyesight quickly physically deteriorated and while I believe I managed to fix that by having laser eye surgery in my early twenties, my ability to ‘see’ was still impaired.

Letting go of the associated anger saw me become able to picture a small white box in the pitch black I saw every time I closed my eyes.

The second step was the process of using my strongest sense (sound for me) to talk myself through the picture that I wanted to create. So I would say ‘I can see the sea’ and the sea would appear. I would then say ‘I can see me’, describe what I was wearing, how I looked inside my head until the picture appeared exactly as I wished it to be.

If your strongest sense is feeling, then feeling your way to the picture with various sensations has worked effectively for clients of mine too.

As with every learned skill, practice made perfect, and the more I spoke the pictures into my mind’s eye, the quicker they began to appear. After a few months I was able to close my eyes and see a picture as I wanted it to appear. without needing to spend 10 minutes talking to myself to get it there. Now I’m proud to say at the coaching and  staff training courses I deliver that I can visualise with ease, and have the tools to help anyone who needs to see what’s right before their very eyes.

For more information on EFT, you can visit www.karismakidz.co.uk where I’ve taken to teaching these essential skills to children at the earliest possible age.

Imagine if you could implement this type of teaching into staff training, regardless of the topic being covered and get everyone to commit to this every day with reference to the habit they are trying to change or the new thing they are learning in the staff training. Imagine the speed of progress? These are just examples of one small technique we now teach individuals and groups we work with at adaptas™ to speed up the neural connections for real and long-lasting change.


Erika Brodnock is one of our associates at Adaptas™. Erika is an energy psychologist, specialising in cutting-edge techniques that embrace Quantum Physics, Epigenetics, Noetic Science and Energy.  She is qualifed as an EFT Master Practitioner and Trainer (AAMET), NLP Master Practitioner and Coach (ABNLP), Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, Psych –K advanced facilitator and is an accredited Heartmath provider of workshops and training. She is also the CEO and Founder of The Centre for Positive Children Ltd.